Jacques Servant, “Sommes-nous manipulès?”
Ça m’interesse, Settembre
Il dipartimento cui questi ricercatori afferiscono si chiama Dipartimento
Correzione della Psiche. “Se il re leone fa l’occhiolino” in Panorama
del 9 novembre 1995, p 217
Il riferimento è ad alcuni avvistamenti di cui si ha notizia, il più
delle volte, navigando in internet. Alcuni acquirenti di computer che
supportano prodotti Microsoft, hanno denunciato la presenza di stimolazioni
subliminali nelle formazioni nuvolose sullo sfondo del logo:”Sex, Drugs
and Rock `n' Roll?
The Subliminal Messages in Windows 95, BY BOB LOBLAW-
“One of the side-effects of performing seemingly endless tests of beta
versions of Windows 95 is that you get to spend a lot of time staring at its
startup screen.
During one particularly long late-night
session, my mind wandered and I began to see pictures in the clouds.
After the installation was complete, I noticed that, on
the Windows 95 CD, there was a directory called FunStuff that contained a
version of the title screen that was slightly different than the Win95
startup screen. By comparing these two versions, I began
to see differences in the two that clearly showed that the startup logo
screen had, in fact, been heavily
retouched. |